UK Company Formation


  • Company registration
  • Registered office address
  • VAT registration
  • 100% ownership
  • Virtual bank account
  • Tax and compliances

Why setup in UK

UK is the easiest place to set up and run a business in the region. Even before Brexit, UK was the easiest place to start a business in European market.  London is the world’s leading financial services centre on a number of key performance indicators and was voted top European city for business for the 17th year running in 2006 by the European Cities Monitor. UK offers a very robust, promising, politically stable and business friendly market for all types of industries. UK companies are more profitable than ever with the service sector making more money than at any time since records began accounting for 78% of GDP.

Speaking in practical terms, profit is the key to a successful business. It provides the money that companies need to keep growing. And it tells businesses where they need to invest. If British companies are making more money than ever, that is certainly a good news for the businesses in UK and will keep on creating a positive environment for growth.

Hence, be it london or scotland, a company incorporated in UK has an international recognition and reputation like none other, which is good enough to convince a client.

Another reason which makes UK an attractive destination is low tax rate environment for foreign investors.UK also has least barriers to entrepreneurship in the world: The OECD noted that the UK is second in the world for Product Market Regulation behind Australia, has the least barriers to entrepreneurship in the world and has the third least barriers to trade and investment in the world thus making it a hub for global entrepreneurs. The UK is one of the most productive places for innovation firms in the world, ranking second only to the USA for the quality of its research base.



• Quality Service    • Full Transparency    • 100% customer satisfaction    • No hidden charges

Services on offer

Company Registration as UK or Foreign National

Registered office address

Business mailing address

Bank Account and Payment Gateway

VAT Registration

Compliance and Taxation

Corporate Compliance

Accounting and Book Keeping

100% ownership

Documents Required

Government issued ID’s

Address proof (We’ll provide you with an office address, incase you don’t have one)

Narration on intended business activity

3 Step Process

Submit details


We provide a complete solution for your business setup in United Kingdom (from registering to acquiring business permits and taking care of tax and corporate compliances). We ensure that the legal compliances are regularly taken care of so and you only focus on your business operations. We are a one stop shop for your business requirement and growth.