Sometimes the business you plan to start requires you to seek multiple registrations under various laws. To do so, you would have to form an entity, get certain registration under taxation laws, shop act, clearances by certain government departments and registration under intellectual property laws, depending upon your need.
Time is the most precious resource, because it is the only one that is truly scarce and we value what every second means to you and your business.
With the help of our experts we will help you start your business from the scratch and get all the work done as soon as possible. We will register your business entity and seek all the required registrations under shop act, intellectual property laws and taxation laws without any need of yours to visit our office. Also you will be benefitted by our tailored plans which are completely customisable to suit your needs and will help you in saving in terms of cost as well. We’ll do all the work for you in order to set up your business which leaves you to do just one thing i.e. start your business activity without worrying about anything else.